PWB Member Spotlight: Tori McBrien

“Our homes should not only be functional and aesthetically pleasing but also bring joy, be designed with intention, feel harmonious throughout and with nature, and have good energy flow.”
– Tori McBrien | McBrien Interiors, LLC

Tori McBrien

NCIDQ, GreenAP, Certified Feng Shui Practioner


By blending modern design principles with sustainable practices, biophilic design and the intuition of ancient Feng Shui methods, Tori curates personalized spaces that deeply resonate with her clients. Her background in business and product development from her Vineyard Vines years equips her with the skills to work efficiently within specified budgets and timelines. Additionally, her experience as a project manager for local contractors has provided valuable insights into the intricacies of home construction. Tori’s commitment to environmentally friendly design is evident through her certification as a Green Accredited Professional by the Sustainable Furnishings Council. She is also a certified Feng Shui practitioner, offering clients the opportunity to holistically design spaces that are both environmentally sustainable and energetically harmonious.

Recent projects in her portfolio showcase her versatility, from overseeing the full design, renovation, project management, and installation of family home in Greenwich, CT to renovating multiple bathrooms throughout Fairfield County. Upcoming projects include two full kitchen renovations: one locally and the other, outside of Philadelphia.

Tori calls Fairfield, CT, home, where she resides with her husband, two young children, and two incredibly furry cats.

If you or your clients are interested in a wellness-based and holistic approach to design, please reach out for an introductory call. | (914) 441-0450