Whereas, Connecticut has come to a cross-road.
We either continue on the path that we’ve been on – tax, fee and regulatory policies that have failed to produce robust economic, job and wage growth – or we turn onto a new path to a better future for all.
- We commend the efficiency efforts of state government, but more dramatic change than leaning government’s processes is required.
- Programs such as the Small Business Express Program are encouraging, but more significant messages that CT is truly supportive of businesses must be sent now.
Therefore, the HBRA of CT hereby resolves the following:
- To support efforts TO REIGN IN STATE SPENDING and restructure state government to focus on only critical services – to create sustainable state spending and tax policies that provide predictability and certainty to businesses and the state’s citizens. A significant positive step would be to place every expense, except debt service, under the spending cap.
- To support efforts to PRIORITIZE, REFORM OR REPEAL STATE AND LOCAL REGULATORY SYSTEMS – to permit businesses of all types to flourish and to grow jobs and wages, and to allow us to build homes and communities without undue interference and with only reasonable regulations and codes.
- TO MAKE CONNECTICUT A TOP 20 STATE FOR BUSINESS – in every category and by every measure such that there would be no doubt CT is a magnet for businesses and people of all ages to work and live here. It’s simple – Look at all the various ranking factors and address every issue.
We urge all policy makers and legislators at the state and local level to embrace this resolution for a better Connecticut future.