We are Ready to Take you One Step Forward

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour or at randomised words which don"t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn"t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

Join the NEW Young Professionals Committee

Young Professionals

HBRA Members or Industry Professionals age 45 or under

Industry Professional Age 45 or Under

Are you a Young Professional in the Home Building Industry Age 45 or Under?

Networking & Growth

Are You Looking for ways to Foster Networking & Growth for Your Business?


Are You Looking for a Mentor in Your Industry Field?

Join Now for Only $75

You Can Join the HBRA for Your First Year for Only $75!

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Featured Builder
Featured Builder
Featured Builder


Young Builder & Remodeler Industry Professionals in the HBRA

Under 45

Age 45 or Under


Looking to Network & Grow their Business


Fostering Mentorship with Industry Professionals

Technology from tomorrow

Outstanding Skills SkillsSkills

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy of printing and typesetting and industry. Lorem Ipsum been.

HBRA Member or Industry Professional

Are you a member of the HBRA of Fairfield County?

Age 45 or Under

Are you a young professional in the builder and remodeling industry?

Looking for networking, growth and mentorship

The HBRA Young Professionals Committee is dedicated to fostering networking, growth and mentorship to our industry professionals that are 45 and under.

Join us, one of the largest and most active trade associations in Connecticut

Join today or request more information