Trump Announces Deal to Reopen Government for 3 Weeks

President Trump today announced a deal with congressional leaders to reopen the federal government for three weeks while talks continue on his demand for a border wall.

NAHB Chairman Randy Noel issued the following statement regarding this important development:

“NAHB commends President Trump and congressional leaders for working together to reopen the government for three weeks while they tackle the issue of border security. At a time when the nation is facing a growing housing affordability crisis, the shutdown has exacerbated the situation by disrupting funding for important HUD housing programs. It is vitally important that Congress and the White House come to an agreement on securing our southern border to ensure the federal government remains open indefinitely.”


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Developers, Not Farmers, Get Biggest Hit From Wetlands Rule

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump often points to farmers as among the biggest winners from the administration's proposed rollback of federal protections for wetlands and waterways across the country.

But under longstanding federal law and rules, farmers and farmland already are exempt from most of the regulatory hurdles on behalf of wetlands that the Trump administration is targeting. Because of that, environmental groups long have argued that builders, oil and gas drillers and other industry owners would be the big winners if the government adopts the pending rollback, making it easier to fill in bogs, creeks and streams for plowing, drilling, mining or building.

Government numbers released last month support that argument.

Real estate developers and those in other business sectors take out substantially more permits than farmers for projects impinging on wetlands, creeks, and streams, and who stand to reap the biggest regulatory and financial relief from the Trump administration's rollback of wetlands protections.

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